Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How to Answer Job Interview Questions About Salary

How to Answer Job Interview Questions About SalaryHow to Answer Job Interview Questions About SalaryIts important to be prepared to talk about money when youre interviewing for a new job. Interview questions about salary can be quite tricky. It is one circumstance where you and the interviewer may have sharply opposing goals youre eager to get the highest possible salary, while the hiring manager likely wants you to accept the lowest possible amount within the jobssalary range. In some locations,companies arent allowed to ask how much you have earned in the past. In others, it is fair game. And, while you dont want to low-ball yourself and wind up with a tarif thats lower than what the company is willing to pay, you also dont want to shoot too high and remove yourself as a viable candidate. Answering job interview questions about salary can feel like navigating a minefield, but with research and advance planning, you can develop a strategy that will ensure thatyou are paid a fair sal ary. Below,see the toughest and most common interview questions about salary and get advice on the best way to respond to them alongwith sample answers. Tips Here are some strategies you can use when youre asked how much you expect to get paid Evaluate What the Position Is Worth to You Given Your Overall Criteria for an Ideal Job You might be willing to accept a somewhat lower salary for a position that provides growth potential, helps you acquire cutting-edge skills, accommodates your lifestyle, is ideally located, or bridges you to a new industry. On the other hand, if you have reservations about how well the job fits your situation, then you might convey a higher salary expectation figuring that you have less to lose if you price yourself out of a job. Provide a RangeExperts suggest that you give a range, rather than an actual number. If you are offered the low-end of your range, you could use that as an opportunity to request other non-salary benefits or perks, such as reimb ursement for classes, vacation days, etc.Do Your ResearchNot only should you know the average salary for your industry, but its also wise to know geographical information as well. A nurse in Alaska and a nurse in New York will notlage necessarily earn the same salary. Salaries can vary widely based on thecost of living in the area, as well as the number of qualified applicants nearby. Use sites likeGlassdoor,Payscale, andSalary.comto research salaries. Play It CoyTypically, experts recommend that you avoid saying a number first. You can say something like,Id need to know mora about the position and its responsibilities before thinking about salary.Keep Your Cost of Living Needs in MindIt can feel very game-like to negotiate a strategy, but its important to keep your financial needs frontandcenter. Will the salary you request cover your expenses? If not, how will you make up the difference? Weigh your needs against the research youve done about salary-If the two numbers arent close t o each other, it could be a sign that the job isnt a good match. Get Information From the InterviewerUse this question as an opportunity to flip the tables on the interviewer and find out what the salary range is for the position. You can askWhats the range that you have in mind for the position?, What is the established salary range for staff in similar jobs with a background like mine? orWhat are some non-salaried benefits that are available?Honesty Is the Best PolicyIt can be tempting to fudge the numbers on your previous earnings. Will anyone know the difference if you round up? It is possible that employers will verify your compensation at previous job(s), so being truthful is essential. Interview Questions and Answers Here are some of the most typical questions interviewers will ask about salary. Click to see the best answers. What were your starting and final levels of compensation? -Best AnswersWhat are your salary expectations? -Best AnswersWhat are your salary require ments - both short-term and long-term? -Best AnswersWhy would you take a job that paid less money? -Best Answers Strategies for After You Get an Offer Salary negotiations are not over once you receive an offer. The first offer made by an employer is often not the highest possible salary that you might secure. Be ready to concisely articulate what is special about you as a candidate that justifies placing you at the higher end of the range for the job. Think of the offer as the opening gambit in a game. Here are five things toevaluate when you receive an offer. If you dont think the offer is adequate or suspect that the company is giving a low number anticipating that you will negotiate, you may want to make a counteroffer.Here is information on how tonegotiate a counter offer. If you do try to negotiate after you have received an offer, be aware that the company does have the option of rescinding the offersoonly negotiate if you are prepared for that level of risk.

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